Course Projects

In addition to the weekly quizzes and a set of homeworks, students will work on two projects throughout the semester:

Annotation Project

The most exciting applications of NLP haven’t been invented yet. While much of this course will give you exposure to the common methods in NLP, you will also carry out an annotation project where you will get exposure to the entire NLP design process for building a classifer for a brand new task. You will decide on a new document classification NLP task, annotate data to support it (including creating annotation guidelines), measure your inter-annotator agreement rate, and build a classifier to predict those labels using the methods we discuss in class.

INFO 159: NLP Subfield Survey

Students in INFO 159 will work on a 2000 words survey for a specific NLP subfield of their choice (e.g. question answering, text summarization), reviewing at least 25 papers published in venues and publications related to the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Those include ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, EACL, AACL conferences, along with Transcations of the ACL and Computational Linguistics publications.

INFO 259: NLP Project

Students in INFO 259 will work on a semester long NLP project of their choice on either core NLP methods or using NLP in support of an empirical research question.
For examples of the former, see papers published at ACL, NAACL and EMNLP; for examples of the latter, see focused workshops for NLP and Computational Social Science, Computational Linguistics for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, Humanities and Literature, Natural Language Processing Techniques for Educational Applications, Noisy User-Generated Text, and many more.

Details of the above projects will be communicated on the bCourses.